How to Vote for the Free Fire (FF) Costume Contest

Now you have to know how to vote for the Free Fire Costume Contest, of course this will create a great opportunity for this Costume to be present in the Free Fire game. Don’t forget to vote for all Free Fire game players now. Because all of you one vote is very important, for the smooth selection of the winner of this costume later.

This event has been presented for a long time, but now we can only vote. Of course, you have to be able to determine what costume you want to vote on before actually giving the costume a vote. Don’t forget to look at the Best Free Fire Costume at the event, where you might be interested in giving Vote later.

For those of you who don’t know how to vote on this, we will provide the information. Of course that is so that the current event will run quite smoothly too. Moreover, the costumes, all of them are quite good and very interesting. Curious about how to vote? Listen directly to the article below.

How to Vote for Free Fire Costume Design

Voting for the Best Free Fire (FF) Costume at the Costume Design Event!

So this Voting period will take place briefly, from August 24 to 30, 2020 only. All Free Fire players who come from Indonesia, basically, they can’t miss this event either. Because later from your voice, we can see what bundle will be selected to be present in this Free Fire game.

Even so, know some of the Rules first, so that later we won’t make the wrong Voting. So every day you will be given 10 votes, but you cannot vote on the same costume within that 1 day. Your voice will be reset at 12 o’clock tonight, after Reset, you can choose the same costume again.

The way to vote on this event is also fairly easy and we will definitely be able to do it quickly. Of course, you must have determined which best costume will be presented in this Free Fire game. Listen directly, yes, how to be able to vote on this right now.

First, you just access the link to the Costume Design Contest which is currently present. When you enter the Web Contest Link, we just select the Results section.

Second, if you want to vote, you have to log in first. Use a social media account that is already connected to the Free Fire game, yes, because that will be an important thing later. There are Facebook, VK and Google.

Third, you just need to do the voting, the opportunity to do this voting can be 10 times in just 1 day. But if for example we have done a Voting, then your votes will immediately enter and the opportunity to vote for the same costume can be done after the Reset.

So don’t miss this Voting event, there are 24 of the best costumes that we can choose. Of course, use your voting rights at this event, properly and correctly choose the costumers.

Every event that comes into the Free Fire game is indeed quite good and very unique. Of course all of you must not miss this. Because of all the unique things in it, surely we can feel happy and at home to play this Free Fire game.

That’s it, Thank You and Greetings, Booyah.

Oh yes, all of you too, don’t forget to Follow Us on my Esports Instagram. So that you know the updates – updates to the Free Fire game and others.