PUBGM Best Game Boredom Relief During 2021 Pandemic

PUBG Mobile is a battle royale game that has many types of games in it. Playing this game during a pandemic or social distancing is the most fun thing.

PUBG Mobile, the Best Game for Boredom Relief during the 2021 Pandemic. Why?

Has Many Types of Games

It’s not just playing Classic mode. PUBG Mobile provides many types of games that you can enjoy when you are tired of playing Classic mode. You can play event mode, TDM, Arena Training, and Domination.

Besides that, you can also play War Mode, Quick Match, or even a mode that can hone your sniper skills, namely Sniper Training. If you want to hone your skills using weapons, you can visit the Cheer Park or the Training Room.

Can be played by 4-100 people!

You can play PUBG Mobile with three of your friends, so that one team consists of four people. You can also open a room, to invite your friends. The room has a slot for 100 people, so you can invite 100 people at once!

Lots of Interesting Gifts

Not only the game modes are varied, there are lots of skins or attractive prizes from PUBG Mobile. Starting from skin sets, weapon skins, even vehicle skins to bags, you can get them in this game.

Some can be obtained free of charge, but of course there are those that can be obtained for free. Surely a paid gift has a more attractive quality and design!

Competitive Game Schemes

PUBG Mobile uses a competitive scheme in it so you can compete to find as many ranks or K / D as possible. But still have to compete in a healthy manner, yes!

PUBG Mobile prohibits its players from cheating or other fraudulent acts. If you are detected cheating, PUBG Mobile will strictly provide a penalty in the form of being banned, even up to 10 years!

Many Online PUBGM Tournaments!

Because the spread of the pandemic is still not under control, many activities have finally stopped. One of them is tournament activities that are usually carried out offline are no longer possible.

However, the tournament finally took an alternative way, namely by continuing to hold tournaments but online. It is hoped that online tournaments can provide entertainment even from their respective places.

There are many mini tournaments held by the PUBG Mobile community, if you have time and want to measure your skills in playing PUBG Mobile, you can take part in these online mini tournaments.

Thank you!